Flying car makers Terrafugia and PAL-V open order books

Flying car makers open order books

Two flying car manufacturers are set to deliver their first sky-worthy customer vehicles next year.
Toyota files patent for an electric VTOL flying car

Toyota files flying car patent

Toyota has filed a patent for an innovative flying car — complete with retractable rotor blades that are stored in the wheel covers.
Rapid switch to electric vehicles will lead to job losses, warns EU car industry

Rapid switch to EVs will put car industry at risk

Tougher CO2 targets to ensure a rapid shift to electric vehicles could put the European automotive sector at risk, says its trade body.

Products: Non-alcoholic spirits reviewed

Are there genuine, drinkable alcohol-free alternatives to a classic gin & tonic for drivers who wish to enjoy a grown-up drink?
Me and My Motor: David Brabham

Me and My Motor: David Brabham

David Brabham raced in Formula One in the 1990s, and won the Le Mans 24-hour race in 2009. He is the son of the late Sir Jack Brabham, three-....

Porsche launches limited-run 935 track car

Porsche has announced it will build 77 examples of its 935 homage track car – though you’re already too late if you want to buy one.

M40 motorway closed by huge lorry blaze

A huge fire caused by a fatal crash involving three lorries brought all traffic to a halt on a stretch of the M40 motorway this morning.
Top five coolest official State cars

Top five coolest official State cars

Donald Trump’s new “The Beast” limo may be cool, but it can’t shine a candle to these five awesome State cars.
These are the top five must-have features for car buyers

These are the top five must-have car features

Car buyers have said loud and clear what they need to have on their motors – and which extras they're more than happy to avoid paying extra for.
IKEA imagines autonomous future with seven self-driving car concepts

IKEA reveals its autonomous vehicle vision

IKEA's research arm has unveiled a range of self-driving concepts — ranging from autonomous pop-up shops to mobile offices and surgeries.

Video: Ford Mustang drifts the entire Nürburgring

Ford has becomie the latest car maker to set a Nürburgring Nordschliefe record — by drifting an 800bhp+ Mustang around all 13 miles of the track.
Porsche drops diesel in favour of hybrids and EVs

Porsche: We're 'not demonising diesel'

After months of speculation, it's now official: Porsche has permanently removed diesel power from its portfolio.