Top 20 most expensive number plates sold at UK auctions

The 20 most expensive numberplates

For some, they're the least cool thing you can do to a car since furry dice but some personalised numberplates are as highly prized...
2017 VW Golf GTI gets facelift, more power and tech upgrades

2017 VW Golf gets facelift and tech upgrades

If you can chart changes in consumer demand through the Volkswagen Golf, which was introduced in 1974, then the latest model appears destined
Han Yue believe it: stunt driver laps Nurburgring on two wheels

Video: Stunt driver laps Nürburgring on two wheels

Han Yue, a stunt driver from China, has used a humble Mini to set a new lap record at the Nürburgring – driving on two wheels
Android Auto launches on mobile handsets

Android Auto update works with all cars

Drivers whose car does not have a swish multimedia module could soon forget their touchscreen envy
Me and My Motor: Vittorio Grigolo, the tenor singer who almost made it to F1

Me and My Motor: Vittorio Grigolo, tenor singer

Vittorio Grigolo was just 13 when he sang alongside Luciano Pavarotti, earning himself the nickname “Il Pavarottino”...
Phone use at the wheel goes unpunished

Phone use at the wheel goes unpunished

The number of motorists fined for using a mobile phone at the wheel fell sharply, heightening concerns that police are turning a blind eye ...
How it feels to globetrot by motorbike

How it feels to globetrot by motorbike

I was in the Karakoram mountains in Pakistan and I’d made my way there on a hired donkey. For three nights I slept in a goatherd’s hut...
Opinion: Self-driving cars still need a human touch

Opinion: Self-driving cars need a human touch

When is a self-driving car not a self-driving car? Most of the time, actually. When the cab-hailing firm Uber announced it was launching...
Elon Musk aims to put the sparkle into Tesla’s new glass division

Elon Musk to put the sparkle into Tesla glass

It’s well known that Elon Musk, the billionaire techpreneur behind Tesla electric cars, doesn’t have much time for convention.
The screech of tyres and the mass revving of motorcycle engines are an increasingly familiar racket in London’s back streets and industrial estates. The cacophony invariably signals the arrival of riders from UK BikeLife, a shadowy subculture that has grown rapidly in the past few years, and is now thought to number several hundred members.

Gallery: Skid row riders

The young riders of UK BikeLife burn rubber across London, posting videos of their stunts. Are they a menace or just teenagers letting off steam?
Driverless lorry makes late-night beer run

Driverless lorry makes late-night beer run

It was after midnight and the executive director of the Colorado Department of Transportation was at the back of a convoy escorting an...

Car hire add-ons still come as a surprise

Car hire companies are still smuggling hidden extras into the small print of contracts, leaving holidaymakers with higher than expected bills...