Paris votes to ban e-scooters — is London next?

After Paris votes to ban electric scooters, UK road safety charity says the vehicles are “similarly unpopular” in Britain.
Almost half of people picked up bad driving habits in lockdown

Half of drivers picked up bad habits in lockdown

Almost half of people have picked up bad driving habits in lockdown, according to a recent survey.
9 in 10 drivers affected by potholes last year

Nine in 10 drivers affected by potholes last year

Nearly nine in 10 drivers were affected by potholes last year, according to new research by road safety charity IAM RoadSmart.
Using headphones while cycling is safety risk, says charity

Using headphones while cycling is safety risk

The UK’s largest independent road safety charity has called for debate on the dangers of using headphones while cycling.
New study finds many motorists have “shocking” lack of road knowledge

Many drivers have 'shocking' road knowledge

Do you confuse the two seconds rule with two car lengths? If you do, a new survey has suggested you're one of many who get the two mixed up.
Drive too close to the car in front and risk £100 fine in new clampdown on tailgaters

Tailgaters risk £100 fine in new clampdown

Tailgaters will be fined £100 for driving too close to the car in front as part of a new crackdown on antisocial drivers by police.
Keep annual MOT test — but not for the reasons you think, says road safety expert

Opinion: Keep MOT — but not for reasons you think

A report from an independent think tank concluded that the MOT test is “outdated” and should be scrapped. We asked an expert what he thought.
Learner drivers can now get motorway lessons ... but most Brits want it included in test

Most Brits want motorway lessons included in test

From today, learner drivers in England, Scotland and Wales can now have lessons on motorways. However, most seem to believe more needs to be done
Video: Nigel Mansell and Tim Shallcross from IAM Roadsmart's winter driving tips

Video: Nigel Mansell's winter driving tips

Nigel Mansell, 1992 Formula One World Champion, knows a thing or two about car control. Here he talks safe driving in winter.